EMC Compliance Testing to IEC 61000 Standards

Test to EMC compliance IEC standards with harmonics, flicker and power line immunity test solutions.

Harmonics & Flicker Test Solutions

EMC Compliance Test System

Ensuring Compliance with Harmonics and Flicker Standards for Grid-Connected Products

In today’s rapidly evolving electrical landscape, ensuring that your grid-connected products comply with international electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) standards is crucial. At Pacific Power Source, we offer advanced EMC Power Line Emissions Compliance Test Systems designed to meet the rigorous demands of harmonics and flicker compliance testing.

Our EMC Compliance Test Systems for Power Line Emissions are engineered to provide accurate and reliable testing for a wide range of grid-connected devices, including renewable energy systems, household appliances, industrial equipment, and more. These systems are essential for manufacturers, testing laboratories, and certification bodies seeking to ensure their products meet the latest EMC standards. Accurately simulate harmonics and flicker to meet electromagnetic compliance and safety.

Applications include:

  • Renewable Energy Systems: Test photovoltaic inverters, wind turbines, and other renewable energy sources for EMC compliance.
  • Household Appliances: Ensure home electronics and appliances meet stringent EMC standards.
  • Industrial Equipment: Evaluate industrial machinery and equipment for harmonics and flicker emissions.
  • Electric Vehicles: Test electric vehicle charging systems and components for grid compliance.

EMC Compliance Testing of Emissions

The EMC Directive applies across all 27 member states of the European Union (EU) and is relevant to all electronic or electrical products liable to cause or be disturbed by electromagnetic interference (EMI). Manufacturers in the electronics or electrical industries need to ensure product compliance with the requirements to affix the CE Mark. To verify compliance with these directives, the International Electrotechnical Commission has issued a number of harmonized standards that describe test methods, test levels and pass or fail criteria. This includes both power line Emissions per IEC 61000-3-nn standards and power line immunity per IEC 61000-4-nn standards. Power line emission standards are commonly referred to as Harmonics & Flicker and cover single and three-phase products drawing up to 75A per phase.

Pacific Power Source offers an extensive range of IEC 61000-3 AC Emissions test solutions and pre-programmed IEC 61000-4 AC (and DC) Immunity test sequences. Specifically, the following IEC test standards are supported in the table below.

Harmonics and Flicker testing
IEC 61000-3-2 Limits for harmonic current emissions (equipment input current ≤16 A per phase) IEC 61000-3-2:2018+AMD1:2020 CSV 5.1 Included
IEC 61000-3-3 Limitation of voltage changes, voltage fluctuations and flicker ≤ 16 A per phase IEC 61000-3-3:2013/AMD2:2021 3.2 Included
IEC 61000-3-11 Limitation of voltage changes, voltage fluctuations and flicker ≤ 75 A and subject to conditional connection IEC 61000-3-11:2017 RLV 2.0 Included
IEC 61000-3-12 Limits for harmonic currents produced by equipment connected to public low-voltage systems >16 A and ≤ 75 A per phase IEC 61000-3-12:2011 2.0 Included
IEC 60725 IEC Flicker Impedance for use with AMX Series AC Power Sources IEC TR 60725:2012 3.0 Included
IEC61000-4-11 * Testing and measurement techniques-Voltage dips, short interruptions and voltage variations immunity tests (AC,<16A) IEC 61000-4-11:2020 RLV 3.0 149117 EPTS Option
IEC61000-4-13 Testing and measurement techniques-Harmonics and inter harmonics including mains signaling at AC power port, low frequency immunity tests IEC 61000-4-13:2002+AMD1:2009+AMD2:2015 CSV 1.2 149123 Ects_413Gui Option
IEC61000-4-14 Testing and measurement techniques-Voltage fluctuation immunity test IEC 61000-4-14:1999+AMD1:2001+AMD2:2009 CSV 1.2 149120 Ects_4xxGui Included
IEC61000-4-17 Testing and measurement techniques-Ripple on DC input power port immunity test. (Requires AFX Series) IEC 61000-4-17:1999+AMD1:2001+AMD2:2008 CSV 1.2 149131 Ects_4xxGui Included
IEC61000-4-27* Testing and measurement techniques-Unbalance, immunity test for equipment with input current not exceeding 16 A per phase IEC 61000-4-27:2000+AMD1:2009 CSV 1.1 149121 Ects_4xxGui Included
IEC61000-4-28 Testing and measurement techniques-Variation of power frequency, immunity test for equipment with input current not exceeding 16 A per phase IEC 61000-4-28:1999+AMD1:2001+AMD2:2009 CSV 1.2 149119 Ects_4xxGui Included
IEC61000-4-29p Testing and measurement techniques - Voltage dips, short interruptions and voltage variations on DC input power port immunity tests (Pre-compliance only. Requires AFX or AZX Series) IEC 61000-4-29:2000 1.0 149129 EPTS Option
IEC61000-4-34 * Testing and measurement techniques-Voltage dips, short interruptions and voltage variations immunity tests for equipment with mains current more than 16 A per phase IEC 61000-4-34:2005+AMD1:2009 CSV 1.1 149118 EPTS Option
* For full compliance with generator Rise and Fall times, the EPTS Option is required.
EMC Tests

Power Line Immunity Test Solutions

Pacific Power Source has a rich history of providing Harmonics & Flicker and Power Line Immunity test solutions. With a large installed base of precision AC Power Sources in both commercial and defense related accounts, we offer a broad spectrum of software and hardware solutions that help our customers accomplish compliance with regulatory product requirements.

More recently, Pacific Power has developed a turn-key line of IEC Compliance power line emissions and immunity test system. These Harmonics & Flicker Test systems are called ECTS2 for “EMC Compliance Test Systems, generation 2”. ECTS2 Systems come in a range of power levels and output phase configurations and are all based on Pacific Power programmable AC and or AC+DC power sources and our Harmonics and Flicker Measurement and Flicker Reference Impedance modules. For details visit our ECTS2 Series product page.

IEC Power Line Immunity Compliance Test

The EMC Directive is one of the ‘New Approach’ Directives and applies across all 27 member states of the European Union (EU). The Directive applies to all electronic or electrical products liable to cause or be disturbed by electromagnetic interference (EMI). As a result, a large number of manufacturers in the electronics or electrical industries need to ensure that their products are compliant with the requirements of the Directive and be able to demonstrate that this is the case in order to affix the CE Mark.
To verify compliance with these directives, the International Electrotechnical Commission has issued a number of harmonized standards that describe test methods, test levels and pass or fail criteria. This includes power line immunity per IEC 61000-4-nn standards.
Power line immunity test standards cover immunity to commonly found AC power line anomalies that are known to occur on the public Low Voltage (LV) network. These conducted immunity standards are numbered IEC 61000-4-nn. The IEC is one of three global sister organizations (IEC, ISO, ITU) that develop International Standards for the world.
This page provides an overview of available EMC Immunity Test Software solutions provided by Pacific Power Source to control several model series of programmable Power Source and ECTS2 EMC test systems to perform these immunity tests. These dedicated EMC Test Software solutions provide application-specific user operation and EMC-compliant test reports to document product compliance.
Pacific Power Source offers and extensive range of IEC 61000-4 AC (and DC) Immunity Test Windows 10 Software GUI programs. Specifically, the following three programs – Epts_Gui, Ects_413Gui and Ects_4xxGui – support the IEC test standards listed below:
Power Line Emissions and Immunity Testing
IEC61000-4-11 * Testing and measurement techniques-Voltage dips, short interruptions and voltage variations immunity tests (AC,<16A) IEC 61000-4-11:2020 RLV 3.0 EPTS Option
IEC61000-4-13 Testing and measurement techniques-Harmonics and inter harmonics including mains signaling at AC power port, low frequency immunity tests IEC 61000-4-13:2002+AMD1:2009+AMD2:2015 CSV 1.2 Ects_413Gui Option
IEC61000-4-14 Testing and measurement techniques-Voltage fluctuation immunity test IEC 61000-4-14:1999+AMD1:2001+AMD2:2009 CSV 1.2 Ects_4xxGui Included
IEC61000-4-17 Testing and measurement techniques-Ripple on DC input power port immunity test. (Requires AFX Series) IEC 61000-4-17:1999+AMD1:2001+AMD2:2008 CSV 1.2 Ects_4xxGui Included
IEC61000-4-27* Testing and measurement techniques-Unbalance, immunity test for equipment with input current not exceeding 16 A per phase IEC 61000-4-27:2000+AMD1:2009 CSV 1.1 Ects_4xxGui Include
IEC61000-4-28 Testing and measurement techniques-Variation of power frequency, immunity test for equipment with input current not exceeding 16 A per phase IEC 61000-4-28:1999+AMD1:2001+AMD2:2009 CSV 1.2 Ects_4xxGui Included
IEC61000-4-29p Testing and measurement techniques - Voltage dips, short interruptions and voltage variations on DC input power port immunity tests (Pre-compliance only. Requires AFX or AZX Series) IEC 61000-4-29:2000 1.0 Epsts_Gui SW
IEC61000-4-34 * Testing and measurement techniques-Voltage dips, short interruptions and voltage variations immunity tests for equipment with mains current more than 16 A per phase IEC 61000-4-34:2005+AMD1:2009 CSV 1.1 EPTS Option
* For full compliance with generator Rise and Fall times, the EPTS Option is required.

IEC61000-4-11, IEC61000-4-27 & IEC61000-4-34

These three IEC Immunity test standards cover Voltage Dips, Interruptions and Variations as well as Voltage Unbalance immunity testing . The EPTS (Electronic Power Transfer Switch) unit and included EpstGui control software is used to implement all tests in these standards. This ensures the required rise and fall times for voltage dips are met as needed for full compliance testing.
The EptsGui control software captures all EUT information and allows the operator to select the desired test standard and EUT test class, then performs the required voltage immunity tests. Once completed, a detailed test report that incorporates all required information on the EUT and tests applied is generated for documentation purposes.


The IEC61000-4-13 Immunity test standard covers Harmonic and Intergametic voltages and their potential effect on an EUT. The Ects_413Gui software is included with the IEC413 “C” Option on AFX, AZX and LMX Series programmable power sources.
The Ects_413Gui control software captures all EUT information and allows the operator to select the required IEC 413 tests that are part of the standard of all supported EUT test classes, then performs the required voltage immunity tests. Once completed, a detailed test report that incorporates all required information on the EUT and tests applied is generated for documentation purposes.
EMC Compliance Software

IEC61000-4-14, IEC61000-4-17, IEC61000-4-27p & IEC61000-4-28

The IEC61000-4xx Immunity test software (Ecst_4xxGui) supports four different IEC61000-4 Immunity tests. The Ects_4xxGui software is compatible with AFX, AZX and LMX Series programmable power sources. Note that he IEC61000-4-17 test is a DC test and is not supported on the LMX Series).
The Ects_4xxGui control software captures all EUT information and allows the operator to select the required IEC61000-4-xxx test and supported EUT test classes, then performs the required voltage or frequency immunity tests. Once completed, a detailed test report that incorporates all required information on the EUT and tests applied is generated for documentation purposes.

Aerospace - Avionics Power Standards Compliance Testing

Avionics Power Importance – As aircraft electronics continue to evolve, so do their power requirements. Aircraft systems have grown from their original 115Vac L-N / 208Vac L-L at 400Hz fixed frequency roots to sophisticated on-board power systems operating at 115Vac
and 230Vac and frequencies ranging from 360 to 800Hz. This approach is known as ‘wild’ frequency. It simplifies mechanical complexities of engine powered electrical generators. On board generators are now able to allow the frequency to vary with engine speed. Today there are a number of both Aerospace AC and DC power standards which both commercial and military aircraft systems have to comply.
Commercial avionics tests standards such as DO-160 and EuroCAE 14 have a wide range of AC power immunity tests that have to be performed on airborne electronics. More recently, several commercial aircraft manufacturers have developed their own version of these test standards based largely on DO-160. Examples are Airbus ABD0100.1.8 (A380), ABD0100.1.8.1 (A350), Airbus AMD24C (A400M) and Boeing B787 (Dreamliner).
Military aircraft electronics have to comply with standards such as MIL-STD-704. These standards evolve along the same lines as commercial standards. Pacific Power Source’s products have grown from the capability to power aircraft electronics at 115Vac and 400Hz to full AC Power Compliance Test Systems today. Advanced Windows control software manages test sequences and provides documentation on product conformance.
Pacific Power Source’s programmable AC and AC/DC power source series LSX, LMX, AFX and AZX in combination with a range of software options replicate the environments required to test for compliance to Aerospace power test requirements.
Varying frequency, voltage, or harmonics, the AC power source can provide extensive control and simulation of the AC power on an aircraft. From small systems at the 500VA level to a full aircraft at 100’s of VA, Pacific Power Source’s systems are used the world over to test a wide variety of avionics loads for AC power compatibility with today’s Aerospace test standards.
aerospace and defense EMC test systems

Avionics Compliance Test

Several avionics test standards for both military and commercial aviation exist to ensure airborne equipment is immune to power bus fluctuations and anomalies that may occur during flight. A precision single or three phase AC power source is required to perform such tests. Significant time savings can be accomplished performing these tests by use of the available pre-written test sequences for the various avionics test standards. Test report generation is part of these avionics test options and provides detailed information on the applied AC power stimulus and the behavior of any unit under test (UUT) as observed by the test operator. This allows the test to be recorded and filed to document compliance of the UUT.
Test sequence options are currently available for the following avionics test standards with more being added on an on-going basis. If you don’t find the tests you are looking for in this list, please contact Pacific Power Source for updated information on pending option releases.
Test Standard Description Edition PPS P/N
RTCA/DO160 Environmental Conditions and Test Procedures for Airborne Equipment, Section 16, Power Input Version G 149124
Airbus ABD0100.1.8 Electrical and Installation Requirements, Part 1, Chapter 8, A380 Version E 149102
Airbus ABD0100.1.8.1 Electrical Characteristics of A350, Part 1, Chapter 8: AC and DC Systems, A350 Version C 149125
Airbus AMD24C Electrical Characteristics of aircraft AC and DC Systems, A400M Version C 149127
Boeing 787B3-0147 787 Electrical Power Quality and Design Requirements Version C 149126
MIL-STD-704 US Department of Defense, Aircraft Electrical Power Characteristics. Version A 149112
US Department of Defense, Aircraft Electrical Power Characteristics. Version F 149101
MIL-STD-1399-300B US Department of Defense, Navy, Shipboard Electric Power, AC Version B 149130
MIL-STD-1399-300-1 US Department of Defense, Navy, Shipboard Electric Power, AC Part 1 149132