Harmonics and Flicker Test System – ECTS2 Series

IEC Harmonics and Flicker Test Systems for EMC Compliance Testing

Accurately Simulate Harmonics and Flicker to Test to IEC Standards

The ECTS2 Series of EMC Compliance Test System allows EMC labs to perform full compliance testing of products to the following IEC standards:

Emissions IEC Test Standards
(Harmonics and Flicker)

IEC 61000-3-2 Harmonics and Inter Harmonics to 16A/phase
IEC 61000-3-12 Harmonics and Inter Harmonics to 75A/phase
IEC 61000-3-3 Flicker to 16A/phase
IEC 61000-3-11 Flicker to 75A/phase

Immunity IEC Test Standards

The ECTS2 systems provide a comprehensive and cost-effective solution for all of your EMC compliance testing needs!

Models Table

Single Phase LMX Series AC Source Based ECTS2 EMC Test Systems

Model Rated Power (VA) Output Form Output Volts-Max (VRMS) Output Amps (Arms) Input Power Form Cabinet Height (U)
Single Phase Systems
ECTS2-108M-x 750 -n1Ø 135/270 6/3 n/a
ECTS2-140M-x 4000 135/270 32/16 18
ECTS2-160M-x 6000 135/270 48/16 18
Configuration Options (x): None includes Harmonics, Flicker & Immunity Tests; -B = Harmonics & Flicker Test only; -C = Adds IEC61000-4-13 Interharmonics

Three Phase AFX Series AC &DC Source Based ECTS2 EMC Test Systems

Model Rated Power (VA) Output Form Output Volts-Max (Vrms LN) Output Current @ 230Vac Input Power Form Cabinet Height (U)
Three Phase Systems
ECTS2-360F-x 6,000 333 Vrms LN 25 Arms 18U
ECTS2-3120F-x 12,000 333 Vrms LN 17.4 Arms 18U
ECTS2-3150F-x 15,000 333 Vrms LN 21.7 Arms 18U
ECTS2-3240F-x 24,000 333 Vrms LN 38.4 Arms 18U
ECTS2-3300F-x 30,000 333 Vrms LN 43.3 Arms 18U
ECTS2-3450F-x 45,000 333 Vrms LN 65.0 Arms 28U
ECTS2-3600F-x 60,000 333 Vrms LN 87.0 Arms 28U
ECTS2-3750F-x 75,000 333 Vrms LN 108 Arms 36U
ECTS2-3900F-x 90,000 333 Vrms LN 130 Arms 36U
Configuration Options (x): None includes Harmonics, Flicker & Immunity Tests; -B = Harmonics & Flicker Test only; -C = Adds IEC61000-4-13 Interharmonics

Three Phase Regenerative AZX Series AC &DC Source Based ECTS2 EMC Test Systems

Model Rated Power (VA) Output Form Output Volts-Max (Vrms LN) Output Current @ 230Vac Input Power Form Cabinet Height (U)
Three Phase Systems
ECTS2-3300Z-x 30,000 440 Vrms LN 45.0 Arms AZX + 28U
ECTS2-3550Z-x 55,000 440 Vrms LN 75.0 Arms AZX + 28U
ECTS2-31100Z-x 110,000 440 Vrms LN 150 Arms 2 x AZX + 28U
Configuration Options (x): None includes Harmonics, Flicker & Immunity Tests; -B = Harmonics & Flicker Test only; -C = Adds IEC61000-4-13 Interharmonics


Voltage Dips and Interruptions Electronic Power Transfer Switch Options

Recommended Options


Three Phase Regenerative AZX Series AC &DC Source Based ECTS2 EMC Test Systems

Model Rated Power (VA) Output Form Output Volts-Max (Vrms LN) Output Current @ 230Vac Input Power Form Cabinet Height (U)
Three Phase Systems
ECTS2-3300Z-x 30,000 -3Ø 440 Vrms LN 45.0 Arms AZX + 28U
ECTS2-3500Z-x 50,000 440 Vrms LN 75.0 Arms AZX + 28U
ECTS2-3600Z-x 60,000 440 Vrms LN 90.0 Arms 2 x AZX + 28U
ECTS2-31000Z-x 100,000 440 Vrms LN 150 Arms 2 x AZX + 28U
Configuration Options (x): None includes Harmonics, Flicker & Immunity Tests; -B = Harmonics & Flicker Test only; -C = Adds IEC61000-4-13 Interharmonics

Key Features

EMC Test System Key Features


IEC 61000-3-2 & IEC 61000-3-12 Harmonics and Inter Harmonics Emissions Test:

The ECTS2 Harmonics and Interhamonics measurement system and associated EMC Software suite meets all requirements for compliance testing to these Harmonics standards.

IEC61000-4-14, IEC61000-4-17, IEC61000-4-27 (pre-compliance), IEC61000-4-28:

AC immunity tests support for these standard available on LMX based ECTS2 Systems. AC and DC immunity tests support for these same standards are available on all AFX and AZX based ECTS2 Systems. These four immunity test standards are supported by the Ects_4xxGui software.

IEC61000-4-11, IEC61000-4-27, IEC61000-4-34:

When combined with the optional EPTS Power transfer switch, the ECTS2 test system meets the requirement for AC Voltage Dip and AC Voltage Unbalance testing.
EPTS Option

IEC 61000-4-13 Inter Harmonics Testing:

Optional Inter Harmonics Generator for AFX, AZX or LMX based ECTS2 systems supports testing to IEC 61000-4-13


Harmonics and Flicker Measurement Module

Frequency Measurement:

Range: 5 to 20 kHz. Resolution: 0.05 Hz, 100Hz Accuracy: 0.01%

Voltage Measurement:

No. of Inputs: HFMM-1: 1 channel / HFMM-3: 3 channels Range: 500Vrms (1000Vpp) Accuracy: 0.1% Rdg + 10mV

Current Measurement:

Internal CTs: HFMM-1: 1 / HFMM-3: 3 Range: Multiple ranges, auto ranging Accuracy: 0.1% Rdg + 3 mA

Phase Measurement:

Range: 0.00° ~ 359.99° Accuracy: 0.1 ° + (0.2 ° x kHz)

Power Measurement:

Accuracy: 0.15% + 0.5W

Current Crest Factor:

Range: 2 ~ 20 depending on RMS current input level

IEC Modes:

IEC 61000-3-2, IEC 61000-3-3, IEC 61000-3-11, IEC 61000-3-12, JIS-C 61000-3-2


LMX Based 4kVA Single Phase ECTS2-140L H&F Test System

AFX EMC Harmonics and Flicker Test System

AFX Based Three Phase ECTS2-3300F H&F System

RGS EMC Harmonics and Flicker Test System 1

RGS Series Based Three Phase ECTS2-3300F H&F System

AZX EMC Harmonics and Flicker Test System

AZX Based 50kVA 3 Phase ECTS2-3500Z H&F Test System

LFZ-3-40 Three Phase Flicker Impedance

Three Phase Electronic Power Transfer Switch (EPTS) – 100A/phase

Brochures & Manuals

Product Brochure:

Download brochure to review product details. To request the manual, please email sales@pacificpower.com. 

Technical and Application Assistance: