Linear AC Power Source LMX Series

High Performance Linear AC Power Source up to 6kVA, or 30kVA option

Linear Amplifier Provides Ultra Reliable Testing of AC Power

When high power quality matters, the LMX Series family of High Performance Linear AC Power Sources is the ideal solution. The linear amplifiers within the LMX Series power sources are unmatched in their ability to produce the high crest factorlow-distortionhigh fidelity output waveforms required by the most demanding AC Test Power applications. 

Stand-alone models range from 500 VA to 6 kVA. Larger chassis may be paralleled to create systems that range from 8kVA to 30 kVA. Offering both single and three phase models, units are conservatively designed with output power ratings based on the most severe combination of input line, output voltage, power factor, and temperature.

Great emphasis has been placed on low acoustic noise, ease of installation, ease of use and safety. Control and operating features provide a high degree of application versatility and ease of use for the test engineer. Applications range from simple, manually controlled frequency conversion to power-line susceptibility testing and sophisticated bus programmable transient simulation.
The exceptionally broad bandwidth (50 kHz small signal), combined with low output impedance and high crest factor ratings give the LMX Series the ability to produce high quality, low distortion output power into the most dynamic loads.

Models Table

Model Rated Power (VA) Output Form Output Volts-Max (VRMS) Output Amps (Arms) Input Power Form Panel Height (U) Weight (Lbs./KG)
Single Phase Models
105LMX 500 135/270 4/2 3 70/31.8
108LMX 750 135/270 6/3 3 70/31.8
112LMX 1200 150/300 10/5 3 80/36.3
140LMX 4000 135/270 32/16 8 185/84.0
160LMX 6000 135/270 48/16 8 195/88.6
Three Phase Models
305LMX 500 1Ø 3Ø 135/270 135 (Vl-N) 4/2 1.3 per Ø 3 74/33.6
308LMX 750 1Ø 3Ø 135/270 135 (Vl-N) 6/2 2 per Ø 3 74/33.6
312LMX 1200 1Ø 3Ø 150/300 150 (Vl-N) 10/3.3 3.3 per Ø 3 80/36.3
320LMX 2000 1Ø 3Ø 135/270 135 (Vl-N) 18/6 6 per Ø 5 150/68.2
345LMX 4500 1Ø 3Ø 135/270 135 (Vl-N) 36/12 12 per Ø 8 190/86.3
360LMX 6000 1Ø 3Ø 135/270 135 (Vl-N) 48/16 16 per Ø 8 195/88.6
Model Rated Power (VA) Output Form Output Volts-Max (VRMS) Output Amps (Arms) Power Form Height (U) Weight (Lbs./KG)
Single Phase Models
Transformer Transformer
Direct 1.5:1 2.0:1 2.5:1 Direct 1.5:1 2.0:1 2.5:1
105LMXT 500 1Ø/2Ø 135/270 202/404 270/540 338/600 4/2 2.6/1.3 2/1 1.6/0.8 3 97/44.0
108LMXT 750 1Ø/2Ø 135/270 202/404 270/540 338/600 6/3 4/2 3/1.5 2.4/1.2 3 97/44.0
140LMXT 4000 1Ø/2Ø 135/270 202/404 270/540 338/600 32/16 21.3/10.7 16/8 12.8/6.4 11 310/140.8
160LMXT 6000 1Ø/2Ø 135/270 202/404 270/540 338/600 48/16 32/10.7 24/8 19.2/6.4 11 320/145.4
Three Phase Models
Transformer Transformer
Direct 1.5:1 2.0:1 2.5:1 Direct 1.5:1 2.0:1 2.5:1
305LMXT 500 1Ø/2Ø 3Ø 135/270 135/234 202/404 202/350 270/540 270/468 338/600 338/585 4 1.3/Ø 2.6/1.3 1.0/Ø 2/1 .75/Ø 1.6/0.8 0.6/Ø 3 100/45.5
308LMXT 750 1Ø/2Ø 3Ø 135/270 135/234 202/404 202/350 270/540 270/468 338/600 338/585 6/2 2/Ø 4/1.3 1.3/Ø 3/1 1/Ø 2.4/0.8 0.8/Ø 3 100/45.5
320LMXT 2000 1Ø/2Ø 3Ø 135/270 135/234 202/404 202/350 270/540 270/468 338/600 338/585 18/6 6/Ø 12/4 4/Ø 9/3 3/Ø 7.2/2.4 2.4/Ø 8 275/125
345LMXT 4500 1Ø/2Ø 3Ø 135/270 135/234 202/404 202/350 270/540 270/468 338/600 338/585 36/12 12/Ø 24/8 8/Ø 18/6 6/Ø 14.4/4.8 4.8/Ø 11 315/143.1
360LMXT 6000 1Ø/2Ø 3Ø 135/270 135/234 202/404 202/350 270/540 270/468 338/600 338/585 48/16 16/Ø 32/10.7 10.7/Ø 24/8 8/Ø 19.2/6.4 6.4/Ø 11 320/145.4


Key Features

Key Features Provide Application Versatility

Design Provides Total Control of AC Power

LMX Series Features

Continuous Self Calibration:

Provides for exceptional accuracy of the AC output Voltage. When enabled, accuracy improves to ±0.03% referenced to the power source internal voltmeter.

Waveform Edit:

Provides the ability to modify a stored waveform by specifying the waveform amplitude desired at each specific phase angle.

Programmable Dynamic Output Impedance:

Programmable Output Impedance provides the operator with dynamic control over the output impedance of the AC Power Source. Using the output current term as conditioned feedback signal to the output voltage circuits, positive or negative impedance may be programmed. The purpose of this control is to simulate the effects of or compensate for high peak current, distribution, or transformer losses of up to ±10% of the output voltage.
This feature creates positive, negative, or zero output impedance (Zo):

Waveform Analysis:

Provides both a graphic and numeric display of the harmonic structure of a voltage or current waveform. Data presented includes the magnitude of each harmonic in %, the total harmonic distortion, and the odd and even harmonic distortion in %.

Waveform Synthesis:

Provides the ability to quickly create virtually any AC Test Waveform that may be required by building it out of harmonics. The process is as simple as keying in the harmonic multiple, the amplitude, and the phase angle for each desired harmonic up through the 51st.

Waveform Library:

Up to 200 different waveforms can be stored in the waveform library for execution as part of a steady state program or for substitution in any output phase as part of a transient test program. Memory location #1 is a non-editable high resolution sine wave. All other locations are editable and can be substituted in any output phase. An unlimited number of waveforms may be stored on the computer.

Time Based Transients:

Provide the ability to create and execute on command, transients that occur linearly over a specified time segment to modify output voltage or frequency.

Cycle Based Transients:

Provide the ability to create and execute, on command, transients that substitute a selected waveform in the output for 1 to 100 cycles.


AC Test Power:

The LMX Series Power Source is equipped with multiple Digital Signal Processors (DSPs) to create a fully integrated test system. It supplies a variety of power conditions to the device under test and meters/analyzes all output performance parameters.

Frequency/Voltage Conversion:

The LMX Series is an excellent source of stable AC voltage over the frequency range of 15 to 5,000 Hz. The output frequency is quartz-crystal stabilized. Output voltages up to 600 VAC are provided.

Phase Conversion:

With the ability to provide single and three-phase outputs, the LMX Series is the perfect choice to provide 1 Phase to 3 Phase or 3 Phase to 1 Phase conversion.

Dual Range Output Magnetics Options

LMX Series Power Sources can be equipped with output transformers to provide an alternate output voltage range. Selection of direct or transformer coupled range is performed by the controller via front panel or bus command. The standard frequency range for transformer coupled outputs is 45 to 5,000 Hz. Standard output ratios are 1.5:1, 2.0:1, and 2.5:1. Transformer outputs are supplied internally or externally via a Magnetics Module as listed in the above table. Consult the factory for additional information regarding special output ranges not listed above.

Protective Transit Cases for Mobile Applications

Pacific Power Source offers rugged transit cases to protect your AC Source from adverse environmental conditions for mobile and/or military applications.

Specific benefits:

Available for following LMX models:


Power Source Specifications

Output Frequency:

15 to 5000 Hz. Full Power

Line Regulation:

0.1% max for a 10% line change

Programmable Impedance:

Resistive -100 Ohm to +100 Ohm, Inductive 0 to 2 mH

Load Regulation:

0.25% 15 to 2000 Hz. 0.5% 2000 to 5000 Hz. Can be improved to less than 0.03% with CSC engaged

Output Distortion (Vthd):

3U Models: 15~450 Hz: < 0.1%; 450~5000 Hz: < f x 0.076% + 0.07% (f in kHz) 5U & 8U Models: 45~1,000Hz: < 0.1% 1,000~5,000 Hz: < 0.25%

Ripple and Noise:

< 50 mVrms

Response Time:

5µsec. typical to a step load change.

Small signal bandwidth:

5 Hz. to 50 kHz, typical.

Mechanical Specifications

All models are designed for operation in 19 inch equipment racks. Models above 1800 VA have side handles for ease of handling.


Standard 19 inch rack. Slide rails are available as an option for all models.


See model table above for panel height.


Will not exceed 24 inches from the front panel to the rear of the chassis, including connectors, handles and cabling.


Forced air, front or side intakes, rear exhaust with auto fan speed control for low acoustic noise operation.

LMX Controller Specifications

The LMX controller is essentially a single or three phase AC arbitrary waveform generator and Precision AC metering system. The waveform for each phase may be independently selected and may be independently varied in amplitude and phase angle with respect to phase A (3 phase systems).
The metering function samples the output volts and amps at 1024 samples per measurement using a 16 bit A/D converter. This technique provides exceptional metering accuracy and resolution and delivers a high-fidelity waveform back to a host computer for analysis.
The LMX includes LAN, USB, IEEE 488.2 and RS232 interfaces using SCPI commands.


15.00 to 5000 Hz ±0.01%

Voltage (Direct):

Programmable, 0-VMAX, in 0.1 volt steps (see table).

Phase Angle:

Phase Angle (f) of Phases B and C relative to Phase A is programmable from 0-359° in 1° increments ± 0.5°.

Current Limit:

Current limit is programmable from 0 to I peak maximum of the power source. Accuracy is ± 0.5%, resolution ±10mA.

Waveform Library:

Stores up to 200 waveforms that can be edited and executed in any manner and in any output phase.


Range: 0-340 volts L-N, 0-600 volts L-L Resolution: 0.10VAC to front panel, 0.001VAC to remote interface Accuracy: ±0.1% of range


Range: 100% of system current rating Resolution: 0.01 Arms Accuracy: ± (0.5% + f (kHz) * 0.5%) F.S.

Power Meter:

Range: Based on ammeter range Resolution: 1 W, 1 VA (front panel) or 0.1 W, 0.1 VA remote control Accuracy: ± 0.75% of Full Scale

Power Factor & Crest Factor:

Calculated and displayed to four significant digits


Model 312LMX Power Source – 1200VA

Model 320LMX Power Source – 2000VA

Model 360LMX Power Source – 6000VA

18kVA Three Phase LMX AC Power System

Brochures & Manuals

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